What is Ideal Rankin Cycle?

Ideal Rankin Cycle:

Ideal Rankin Cycle is a Cycle in which all the thermodynamic processes go ideally without losses and there is no entropy generation during any of the process.

In the figure below, the actual Rankin cycle is shown on the T-S diagram.


1-2: Isentropic expansion of superheated steam in the turbine.

2-3: Condensation in the condenser which converts steam into water. It is the constant pressure and constant
temperature heat rejection from steam which causes condensation. The volume is reduced about 1000 time in the condenser, thus saving huge amount of mechanical work.

3-4: Constant entropy pressure rise in the pump.

4-5: There is constant pressure heat supply in the economizer or with feed water heating.

5-6: Heat supply at constant temperature and pressure in the Boiler.

6-1: The steam is superheated at constant pressure.

4-5-6-1 ; This is the line of constant pressure.

5-6: Is the line of constant Temperature.

After expansion inside the turbine, the dryness fraction is kept more than 0.85, as high water content causes damage like rust etc.

To reduce mechanical work for pumping, we cool until saturated liquid is obtained and no steam content remains.



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