What is Co-generation?


The production of electric power and heat in a single unit is called co-generation. Co-generation is applicable to the industries like paper, Textile, sugar, chemical, cement etc.

Advantages of Co-generation:

Isothermal process is maintained by steam as it is the best fluid to maintain constant temperature.  The constant process is maintained by using its latent heat of vaporization.

Process is good for safety point of view. For example in inflammable environment, e.g in oil refinery, the direct heat can blow up the whole plant. Steam use for this process is safe.

Feasibility of the plant must be seen before choosing a co-generation plant.

There are two types of co-generation cycle.
A.    Topping cycle

B.    Bottoming cycle

Topping cycle:

It is cycle where main emphasis is on the production of electricity. High grade steam is used to generate power and then low grade steam is used in industial process. Topping cycle finds its application in process industry.

Bottoming Cycle:

Here the steam generated by the steam generator is mainly utilized in the Industrial process and then the steam from the discharge of industrial process is used to generate electricity.
In the cement industry, this type of cycle is applicable as the steam required there should be high grade. ( High temperature and pressure)


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