Steam Turbine Power plant.
A steam turbine power plant converts the energy of the fuel into the shaft work continuously and ultimately from the shaft work, electricity is produced. In the boiler, there is combustion of fuel (fossil fuel) like oil, natural gas, and coal or fissile fuel such as Uranium or Thorium to produce steam.
In the combustion process, heat generated is supplied to the boiler which is a heat exchanger. Boiler is a tube separating two fluids by a walls and thermal conductivity of this wall is very high. In the Nuclear Power plant, the furnace is replaced by Nuclear reactor.
The steam is produced at very high temperature and pressure which expands in steam turbine to produce Mechanical energy and the electrical energy.
Mf = Mass of fuel
C.V = Calorific value
Wp = Work of the Pump
Q1 = Heat Supplied
Q2 = Heat rejected
Wt is the shaft work, which is form of mechanical energy. Steam coming from the turbine is fed to the condenser where condensation of the steam takes place. Here heat is extracted from steam to convert it into liquid. Steam emitted from the turbine has both liquid and vapour phases.
River or see water can be used to extract heat from steam and there is change of phase from vapour to liquid. If no river or see is present in nearby area, cooling tower is needed to supply cold water to condenser. The pressure inside the condenser is 10% of the atmospheric pressure. So, a pump is used to raise the pressure from condenser pressure to boiler pressure. Therefore steam turbine power plant work in a sequence.
B -----> T -------> C ------> P ------> B
And the cycle is going on repeatedly.
A steam turbine power plant converts the energy of the fuel into the shaft work continuously and ultimately from the shaft work, electricity is produced. In the boiler, there is combustion of fuel (fossil fuel) like oil, natural gas, and coal or fissile fuel such as Uranium or Thorium to produce steam.
In the combustion process, heat generated is supplied to the boiler which is a heat exchanger. Boiler is a tube separating two fluids by a walls and thermal conductivity of this wall is very high. In the Nuclear Power plant, the furnace is replaced by Nuclear reactor.
The steam is produced at very high temperature and pressure which expands in steam turbine to produce Mechanical energy and the electrical energy.
Mf = Mass of fuel
C.V = Calorific value
Wp = Work of the Pump
Q1 = Heat Supplied
Q2 = Heat rejected
Wt is the shaft work, which is form of mechanical energy. Steam coming from the turbine is fed to the condenser where condensation of the steam takes place. Here heat is extracted from steam to convert it into liquid. Steam emitted from the turbine has both liquid and vapour phases.
River or see water can be used to extract heat from steam and there is change of phase from vapour to liquid. If no river or see is present in nearby area, cooling tower is needed to supply cold water to condenser. The pressure inside the condenser is 10% of the atmospheric pressure. So, a pump is used to raise the pressure from condenser pressure to boiler pressure. Therefore steam turbine power plant work in a sequence.
B -----> T -------> C ------> P ------> B
And the cycle is going on repeatedly.
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